By Bailey Clemmons

Photos by Unsplash

Say ‘Cheese!’

The power of a smile and five compelling benefits. People often wear a fake smile when in front of a camera. However, many people are not privy to the fact that choosing to smile automatically kicks the body into a happy gear –both externally and internally.

There are two basic types of smiles. A forced smile, such as for a photo, only uses the mouth to shape the smile. In a genuine, spontaneous smile, called a Duchenne smile, the mouth muscles and those encircling the eyes are engaged. Being informed of the science behind smiling is a compelling reason, even when not in the mood, to put on a happy face.  Each time a person smiles, they throw a little feel-good party in their brain.


If you’re still not convinced, note these five compelling benefits of smiling: 

1) Stress Reducer

Smiling reduces stress. According to Biochemist Sondra Barrett, smiling can release a person’s tension on a cellular level.  In her book, Secrets of Your Cells, Barrett explains how “cells can distinguish between safety and danger, find and repair problems and create an overall sense of balance within the body.”

According to the Huffington Post, when we choose to smile, we are reducing the rigidity of our cells, and this physical relaxation can help “combat the risk of stress-induced cell mutations that can lead to the development or persistence of various cancers.” 

Smiling Improves One’s Mood

2) Smiling Improves One’s Mood

Mood Improvement. As Buddhist author Thich Nhat Hanh so eloquently write, “Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.” A mere smile can trigger the release of both serotonin and dopamine which are mood-boosting neurotransmitters.

In other words, smiling can trick the brain into believing you are happy which can then induce actual feelings of happiness! Yes, with a smile, you can fake it until your body makes it!

Smiling Boots Productivity

3) Smiling Boosts Productivity and Increased Immune Function

Increase productivity.  When we smile, whether genuine or feigned, we trick our body into thinking we are in a good mood. Our mood influences the decision-making process.  When people are in a good mood, that leads to more flexible, creative and original thinking, and that mindset has a significant effect on generating productive employees.

Laughter also increases immune cells and infection-fighting antibodies that improves the body’s resistance to illnesses. In fact, happy people get sick less often. If a person does not like his or her job, they are more susceptible to have major diseases including cancers, diabetes and ulcers. So, being happy with a job helps one avoid becoming sick and burning out. Indubitably, laughter and smiling really are the best type of medicine! 

“Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.” 

Thich Nhat Hanh
Smiling Lowers Blood Pressure

4) Smiling Lowers Blood Pressure.

Lower Blood Pressure.  In fact, one can try this experiment at home: Use a blood pressure monitor, sit down for a few minutes and take a reading. Afterwards, smile for 60 seconds and take another reading while still smiling. Statistics show there will be a difference. Experiments have found that even fake smiles have produced lower heart rates and eased stress.

 From experience, one can note that smiling often leads to laughing which expands the lungs, stretches muscles in the body & stimulates homeostasis. Laughter can reduce the levels of cortisol, a stress hormone that lowers the metabolism rate and stores fat in the mid-section. As laughter naturally improves metabolism, that influences the body to burn more calories & lose weight. 

Laughter Naturally Improves Metabolism

5) Smiling is a Natural Anti-Depressant Medicine

Endorphine Activator. Our body has a physical reaction when smiling including releasing endorphins, which are both natural pain killers and hormones normally released when exercising, as well as raising dopamine and serotonin levels.

These natural chemicals contribute towards elevating one’s mood, relaxing the body, calming the nervous system, reducing physical pain and boosting feelings of well-being, motivation, positivity and happiness. Clearly, smiling is a natural anti-depressant drug.

Smiling is a Natural Anti-Depressant


In summation, never underestimate the value of a smile. This article has delineated 5 benefits of smiling using the acronym S.M.I.L.E. At the end of the day, there will likely be that one fastidious fellow who seems determined to stay in a bad mood no matter what you do.

Nonetheless, never allow anyone to turn your smile upside down. The person who is strong enough to keep smiling usually winds up with something good enough to smile about. Smile every mile. 

It takes far fewer muscles to smile than to frown — so really, you have no excuse.

You can Experiment and Prove it

One of the most powerful things a person can do to gain influence with others is to smile at them. Since smiling is contagious, try this experiment. The next time you are shopping at the mall, standing in line or walking down the street–choose a face from the crowd approaching you and direct a 5,000-watt powered smile towards them! Watch what happens, benefit those around you, because the curve of your smile can straighten many things. 

Smiling is Contagious, try it!


The author Bailey Simmons (with the black hat) studied Biology, Mass Communication and Spanish at NCCU.  She has been a Medical Interpreter for Fluent Language Solutions-2018. Her articles appear at the News of Orange County North Carolina. Her hobbies are  Viola and Keyboard/Piano and Lexicology.
